Friday, September 18, 2020

Ugly face of Beautiful Companies.

 I hope you help me put pressure on the company behind this. Let's begin with the ugly face of the beauty industry and company.


MICA are sparkly minerals that helps makeup shine. And makeup has a lot of MICA in it. It is mind  in place like MADAGASCAR  and INDIA  unfortunately, often by children as

young as 4 years old here small bodies and fragile hands do the work because they can fit the narrow mine tunnels. For many research and discover there are over 32K children miners of MICA just in INDIA and MADAGASCAR in this half a billion  dollar industry they work for less than a dollar a day and they risk their lives for that dollar.

When tunnels collapse some children get injured, paralyzed , and even die. Around 20 children die in the name of makeup every month just in one of the mines in india. 
The world's chief deposits of mica are found in India at Bihar and in the Nellore district of Madras. Over 50% of the mica used today comes from these two regions. 

Despite this tough truth companies continue profiting off  of MICA. And no one talks about it. This is not a end of the story but make up is not the only industry built on the struggle of children. 
Most of the children love chocolate, but it is painful to see that some are forced to make it. The chocolate industry hires over 2 million underage worker globally. 

In fact, as we continue to consume more chocolate child workers in the past 10 years increase by 11%. 

 They climb the coco trees and caring heavy and dangerous knives. They carry bags taller then their own bodies and some of them if they don't work fast enough , they get beaten.
Investigation of some organization  show that a lot of these kinds especially in Africa are

trafficked and forced to work, many of them don't ever get to taste the chocolate. And this has been known for 19 years now. Companies promised to end cocoa child labor and even spent 215 million dollar to address this in IVORY COAST and GANA. But after 19 years the same companies are still making big profits off of the cheap trafficked child labor.
The saying "Chocolate is your guilty pleasure" has a very different meaning now. But wait it is not your fault we can't really be blamed for this. Truth is for us regular people it is very hard to avoid using or eating products that are not ethical. There are more of them in shops than we think but products should be labeled if child labor is involved in them or not. So that at least we as a consumers know that what we buy.

This is not a last . "COBALT"  is essential in powering batteries that are used in electric cars, laptops and smartphones. And this industry hires over 40,000 children. Kids was the rocks inhale TOXIC gas, and carry heavy snacks they snacks they don't have protective gear, they  risk getting a lung cancer often  work for 12 hours a day, and despite the very expensive technology they often get paid less than a dollar a day.  

 We know that it is a very tough truth. But together we can make their lives better for many years children are silently crying because companies are deaf to their cries. Paraphs it's the time we the adults come together and do something for  these children. So that the companies can come up with better solutions and stop the unethical child  labor.

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